
Ever since I was a 90’s kid growing up in the suburbs of Chicago idolizing Michael Jeffrey Jordan, I've been obsessed with footwear. Below is a small sampling of the 👟 and 👞 that I designed in my career.  Collaborating with amazing companies like New Balance, Vans, Nike, Asics, Alden and Red Wing, amongst many others, was definitely the highlight of my career thus far.  I approached design with the below principles firmly in my mind:

Origin Story

The stories would often times be esoteric, but a compelling narrative always guided my creative drive. It helped later on when handing the project over to the marketing department, making each story strong enough to stand behind.

Material Issues

The contrast of materials can make or break a shoe. I loved experimenting with material cards and color swatches to figure out the best combos. Thinking of the brands themselves also helped me make decisions, whether it be subtle embossings or reflective materials used in a new way.

Want Vs Need

Desirable sneakers need to be 🔥, that's for certain. But keeping in mind the needs of the customer is always the primary objective. It's how I approach all my projects, understanding the user mindset and the balance between want and absolute need.

Positively Unique

There are so many options to choose for customers. 'How do I make my product unique but relatable?’ was something I always kept first and foremost in my mind as I designed. I never designed for the sake of being different. It's a combination of all of these principles that holistically creates something that stands apart from the crowd.

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